Animal Appreciation Day: More Dogs!

I know, I know, I said I was going to get a Shiba Inu. But I’m still looking at other dogs. 

The dog I’ve been considering is a German Shepard!

Here’s some videos that I found with funny and cute German Shepards!

Until next time, have your veggies and appreciate your animals too!

Caturday: Cats and Also Other Things

Hey there! Thanks✨ for visiting Happy Healthy Noms for this week’s Caturday!😺

This week along with cute pictures of my cats🐱, is a video🎥 with an animal💛 that most people don’t appreciate how cute they can be!

What’s this cute animal?


Don’t believe me?💁Here’s a video of these cuties while I was bike riding🚴 the other day:  Look at The Happy Cows!🐮🐄

Still not convinced of their cuteness? Further proof:

Speaking of cows🐮. It’s one of my dreams✨ someday to live on a plot of land (in a nice house!)💛

I want to create a sanctuary⭐️ for Cows🐮, Pigs🐷, Chickens🐔, GoatsSheep🐏🐑 and any other animals that I can save from SlaughterhousesDairy Farms, or other terrible places.👏

I’ll also rescue stray cats🐱 and save cats😺 from the pound. I’ll let all the animals roam around the grassy🌱 land, so all the rescued animals can finally have a happy life!🌈

👉Don’t worry, I didn’t forget that this is Caturday!😺Now onto the cute cats!😸 This is my Princess, Kiki. But don’t let her cute looks deceive you, she hates everyone in the world–but me!😸

Here’s my sweet and goofy cat, Indi THIS cat is as cute and sweet as she appears!

👉I want to start featuring animals other than cats on Caturdays. Problem is I can’t think of a cute name that incorporates Animals (or animal appreciation, love animals, etc) + Saturday. Any ideas? Or should I keep it as Caturday?

Until next time, remember: have your veggies🍅, eat your cookies🍪, and love on your animals too!