Slow and Steady Wins the Race

My weightloss journey is going a little slower than I’d like. I have the diet down, except for a few extra bowls of Life Cinnamon cereal and some Vegan ice cream for dessert… but I haven’t started the big part of weight loss: working out.

I could beat myself up when I step on the scale. But I choose not to.

As with most things, slow and steady win the race.

We want our weight to just fly off of us, but to healthfully loose weight–that’s not how it works.

Motivational Quote Monday: Take it step by step…

Some journeys start out with a leap of faith.

But most journeys start step by step and day by day. 

At least that’s how I need to think about my journey to health. I can’t think about just jumping into a new lifestyle and instantly reaching my goals.

Rather I need to take it step by step. I can jump into my new lifestyle, but I can’t get bogged down because my goal hasn’t been met quite yet.

Whether you’re on a journey of health or something else…

Motivational Quote Monday: Wisdom from Star Wars + the Super Blood Moon

Hey there! Thanks✨ for visiting Happy Healthy Noms for this week’s Motivational Quote Monday.🌞

Happy Monday!

Did you see that moon last night? It was stunning, to say the least.


πŸŒ‘The weather was just right, mot too warm, not too chilly. The winds were still, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.πŸŒ•

🌝I watched the moon become full and then slowly eclipse, and become red, and it was truly an experience that I’ll never forget.🌚

Did you miss the moon? Click here see the entire phenomenon, sped up. 

In case you didn’t know last night’s Full Moon was a Super Blood Moon. So, being a Supermoon, the moon was larger. Additionally, it was covered by a lunar eclipse! It was a phenomenon that only happens every 30 years! 

 (Image made by me)

A quote to start your week off right:  (Image made by me)

Wisdom from the wise Yoda.

Until next time, remember: eat your veggies and stayin the moment!πŸŒ„

Motivational Quote: MOONday

Hey there! Thanks✨ for visiting Happy Healthy Noms for this week’s Motivational Quote Monday.πŸŒ•

Today is a special post, because there is something special happening next week! (Don’t worry, I still have a Motivational Quote at the end of this post!)

On Sunday, September 27th there will be a Full MoonπŸŒ•. (Not this Sunday, but the next.)

But, not just any Full MoonπŸŒ•. It’ll be a SupermoonπŸŒ• (bigger, and higher in the sky.)

That’s not all! It’ll also be a Lunar Eclipse.

So, there will be a SupermoonπŸŒ• and a Lunar Eclipse on the same night! This only happens every 30 years, and the last time was in 1982.

I encourage you to go check it out

After all, it won’t happen again until 2033!  

 (Image from: Pixabay)

I’m going to celebrate this exciting event and make Vegan Full Moon Crescent Cakes! (I’ll replace butter with half Coconut Oil and half Earth Balence Buttery Sticks, and replace the egg with a flax egg!)

Read more about this awesome astronomical event here Because remember the moon always rises and falls, just like you do.

And you’re never alone, because the moon’s always there!

You just have to look up to see your best friend forever, The MoonπŸŒ•!

I know it seems silly, but you can talk to the moon! (Most judgement-free friend ever!) Or simply meditate while gazing at the moon’s beauty.

If no one else, the moon is always there, watching over you.

Have a happy MOONday!

Until next time, remember: eat your veggies and look up at your friend, The Moon!πŸŒ’πŸŒ•πŸŒ”

Motivational Quote Monday: Love Yourself! Be Proud to Be YOU!Β 

Hey there! Thanks✨ for visiting Happy Healthy Noms for this week’s Motivational Quote Monday.🌞

It took me longer than it should have to finally get to a point where I don’t care what people think

I used to worry about what I wore, what I said, I mean, I even worried about how I walked (was I walking too slow? Too fast?). 

It seems silly now.

But, I know that it isn’t silly. Especially if you are reading this, and you are that person who worries about those sort of things

I know that can cause a lot of anxiety, and it can cause life to be unpleasant.

(Image made by: Edi Santiago

It will get better, I promise you. And this is coming from someone who suffered with horrible social anxiety for too long

Don’t get me wrong. I still get social anxiety. It’s not like one day POOF!! It’s gone! No.

But, it does get better, and it does get manageable. And as I said, I have more days than not, where I don’t care what people think

walk standing tall, because I am proud to be me.

I am happy to be me. I am happy to be the unique, multifaceted person that I am! 

And, YOU should be too (Image from: Having Time)

Be proud to be YOU.

Be proud to be different

Love yourself, and all of your quirks and interests

Take selfies

Smile too much, or don’t smile at all. 

Stand tall and look people in the eye

And, if someone points out your flaws or oddities say, “I know right?”or “I respectfully disagree with you.” Because no one can hurt you if you don’t let them.  (Image from: Buzzquotes)

Just try it. Fake it until you make it, if you have to! 

Love BEING you. Love YOURSELF!


 (Image from: QuotesDump)

Until next time, remember: eat your veggies and stay in the moment!πŸŒ„

Move Your Body Monday: Bicycling+ Motivational Quote Monday

Hey there! Thanks✨ for visiting Happy Healthy Noms for this week’s Move Your Body Monday!🚴 And introducing the πŸ†• weekly post: Motivational Quote Monday.🌞

So for now on, Monday’s are  Move Your Body MondayπŸƒ OR Motivational Quote Monday!🌞


I recently got a bicycle, and I am LOVING it! It’s a great, fun way to move your body! 

Want to change up your workout routine? I HIGHLY recommend bike riding!

My bike is a hybridπŸ‘Œ, so it’s part street bike and part mountain bike. I like it because if the sidewalks are too crowded, I can ride in the grass!✌️

I attend a bike friendly university, so I’ve been enjoying riding my new bike around to my classes.

(If you didn’t know, I’m a Professional Writing major at a University!)  I don’t like to ride my bike too fast. I just like to feel the wind past by me, and really take in the moment

(Is my writer-ness showing?πŸ˜‰)

Here’s an motivational quote for a positive start to your week : (Image taken from:

Like the quote? 

It’s from an amazing⭐️ book called Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman. There is also a FANTASTIC movie based off it, also called Peaceful Warrior. Every time I watch it, I learn something new and it’s seriously life changing! It’s such an uplifting and motivational movie that will change your way of thinking into a wonderfully positive way.✌️

Until next time, remember: Move your body🚴 , and when you ride your bike–always wear your helmet❗️(and stay in the moment!)